I have put together a sample letter for contact to your representatives about A1113. Feel free to use it, or speak from the heart:
I hope you are well. My name is [YOUR NAME] and I live in [YOUR LOCATION]. I am writing to urge you to change the law to better protect companion animals by pushing forward A1113. Assemblywoman Glick’s bill A1113 will provide better protections for companion animals and it has been sitting in the Judiciary Committee for years. Push it out of committee for a vote so that New Yorkers can know their beloved companion animals will be better protected.
Why is this important? Today in New York, if a dog attacks and kills another dog, there are no legal repercussions for the owner of the violent dog. The NYPD, Department of Health/Animal Control, and the ASPCA have no recourse to get a dog that kills another dog removed from a neighborhood or serve any form of justice to the owner of a murdered dog.
Here is a Daily News article that covers both the needless death of a dog and how archaic New York law is as regards our pets: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/ny-brooklyn-woman-devastated-dog-killed-20200801-7vqw2n62njffdbfhxvb2ta7b6q-story.html
Companion animals are considered property under the law and their perceived "value" under the law is what you paid for them. What is particularly distressing to me is that an animal's value decreases over time and because, in the eyes of the law animals are only worth what you pay for them, rescues and adopted animals are at a disadvantage. Anyone who has a pet knows that they are much more than property. They are members of the family and the larger community. They are a stabilizing force in the well being of our community, especially during a once in a lifetime crisis like COVID-19.
I'm writing in full support of A1113 and to urge you to make progress on this bill. New Yorkers deserve better protections for their companion animals. We owe it to them to protect them.