“Brooklyn woman whose pet was mauled to death by neighbor’s dog is determined to get justice” (Source: New York Daily News)
Demand protection for dogs
Under New York State and City law, dogs are considered property.
If your dog is injured or killed by another dog, your only recourse is to file a small claims case against the owners for the value of your dog and injuries sustained. This puts rescue and adopted dogs at a disadvantage. This antiquated law leaves owners of all pets with no way to get justice for the death of their pet.
Our goal is to change NYS and NYC law to provide better protections for companion animals and to protect neighborhoods from dangerous animals. States like Illinois have already taken steps to expand the legal status of companion animals. NY needs to follow suit.
Anyone who has a dog knows that dogs are much more than property. NY pet owners should not have to be afraid that a dangerous, violent dog could be lurking at any corner. Those who own dogs that injure or kill other dogs should face repercussions.
NYPD, Animal Control, and the ASPCA can do nothing to remove a violent dog who has attacked other dogs from the neighborhood.
My dog Anna was violently attacked by another dog on July 24, 2020 and died. The owners of the dog that killed Anna refuse to take responsibility for her death and continue to keep a violent dog in our community.
Assemblywoman Glick has a bill, A1113, that will provide better protections for companion animals. The bill as been sitting in the NYS Assembly Judiciary Committee for years.
How You Can Help
Contact your local representatives to demand a change in in the law.
If your pet has been attacked by another animal, please share your story with us.
Contact us with your questions, comments, and help
We have assembled a list of what you can do if your pet is attacked by another animal.
About Anna Wintour
Anna Wintour was my dog. Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue saved her from a high kill shelter in Alabama and christened her Anna Wintour because of her fashionable white paws. I adopted her in 2013 and she was the center of my world until her untimely death on July 24, 2020.
On July 24, 2020, an 180 pound Cane Corso attacked and killed Anna on N. Henry Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn while we were on our evening walk.
Anna was a special dog; her biggest joys in life were being with her people, rolling in the grass, snuggling, and eating deli turkey. She woke up happy every day and always put a smile on my face.
I am working to change New York State and City laws to build more protections for dogs who are attacked by other dogs, to protect neighborhoods from dangerous dogs, and to create repercussions for the owners of violent dogs.